Thursday, March 31, 2005

Lessons starting soon!

HEY GUYS! cj orientation finally ended like yesterday only! and we had to go to sentosa on tue. for orientation games., amazing race..and beach games which many of us where either soaking wet from the rain or from the sea...hahaha but nevertheless the orientation ended on a high note i suppose.. haha...soooo lesssons are like goin to start...!wahah..all the topics cj though during first 3 months is like so diff from SR!? ahaha. jia lat lo!! anyway..erm..wish all u guys good luck in ur studies and STUDY REAL HARD OK!! lets all run this final lap (1 and a half yrs) with all our might!! dont ever fall back..cuz everyone is like erm..ya..take care! and all the best!!



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1S07 of 2005 Rulez!! We Shall owe school book shop hundreds of dollars and invade settlers! hahaha =p



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