Friday, April 29, 2005


hey guys guys guys! whaha..its been abt 5 to 6 weks since we last long..miss u guys siaZ!! whahah..anyway..i suppose..everyone shld be like mugging for their CA? or maybe CA already over..and preparing for mid yr? hmm.for those of u rite..if u fail tests and stuff(touch wood)..erm erm..dont be too demoralise ..hehe..juz work harder kk ? and dont gib up! and..ya lo ..cuz i basically flunked my bio test...21.5/50..den my chem test..9/20! jia lat rite..and my gp 25/50..maths 20/ much better as well jia lat..=p oh ya..and time really flies la..its coming to may soon..den b4 u know it ..june! haha..den hols..den maybe we can hav gathering?!?! provided everyone is free huh..last but not least! u guys take care kk !!

Friday, April 15, 2005


yiiipppe! finally its friday! whhaha!! today got mass pe again la..sianz blister from mon's mass pe ..havent recover..den today got new blister now i got blister within a blister..and its hurts like anything la..some more tml got tennis ..den sunday need to go run ..wha liew..and monday got mass pe again! OMG! my leg is goin to rot la! whahah.. anyway how are u guys doin..?? i kinda miss 1s07 alot lo ~ hahaa...u guys still the best~!! take care guys!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


HEY!! hahaha...after soo long..i can finally blog here again..hahaha .... are u guys doin siaz! so long nv hear from u guys le..eeveryone still surviving from the bombardation of tutorials mah??!?! hahah...if die already..also must restrucrate? to spell ar.. lol dunno la! haha..anyaways... cj got alot of test coming up ar...we goin to have a test on enzymes soon ..haah...and maths test..and chem scary! all i can say is ar...1s07 still the best class ive ever been to! ..hahah..the cj class of mine..soooo erts imagine how to spend the next 1.5 yrs with them..can cry... lol! last but not least..everyone of u take care!!!

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

hey guys! im back sooo many days..sheesh~ anyway i wanna complain alot of things ar! first.. my timetable very hectic ar! haha... i end lessons at 5 on mon and 430 on tue. sooo mass PE!---> mass pe is not fun at all like 6 rounds around a 338m track..den do pumpings...den do crunches..jumping jacks..burpies..and a sorts of funny stuff la! everyone do like..the next day muscle dunno ache like wat la! hahaha...thirdly..i dont like the SOME people in my class la!! hahaha..1s07 still the best lo!

haiz i was juz wondering la..cj the sch environment is good la..but den ar..the students are like shit la..den for sr..the environment is not wonderful..but the ppl there are damn nice la like u guys...hhaha so i wish can combine cj and sr.. hahah ... it will CONFIRM be much better! anyway..some of u goin to say i think too much la. haha!

anyway..last but not least...hope u guys are doin fine in ur respective jcs..and all the best kk!! must jia you!

Friday, April 01, 2005


helloo in cj got cca trial for tennis lo ..and its sux la...trial like no me not in sch team..whaha...who cares join shooting club!! hahah and erm...attended cj's bio lecture today very impt thingy i must say is tt..ppl in sr...appreciate how the way bio is taugh in sr la..cuz CJ is like totally rubbish! whaha..the rubbish la..all diagrams de..and the info and notes and stuff..u will have to copy the whole chunk by urself la...nt fill in the blanks like in sr! bio in cj is like argh..haha totally not listening to wat the teacher is say la..only bz copying! so sad rite! haiz!!



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